Bookseller Catalogs

Horticulture Catalogue #25 - Herbs & Herbals

By Woodburn Books, ABAA, ILAB

Horticulture Catalogue #25 - Herbs & Herbals Catalogue #25 (September 2017), "Herbs & Herbals," contains 65 items including a number of significant British and American herbals. Highlights include the following: John Gerard's landmark HERBAL (London 1636), with over 2,800 woodcuts of plants; Hill's BRITISH HERBAL (London 1756) with an allegorical frontispiece and 75 copperplate engravings; Abraham Munting's DE VERA ANTIQUORUM HERBA BRITANNICA (Amsterdam 1681), containing 24 engraved plates of plants, all contenders in the author's search for the identity of the true "Herba Britannica" as discussed by early herbalists; and Constantine Rafinesque's MEDICAL FLORA (Philadelphia, PA 1828: 1830), complete with 100 plates of plants printed in green ink.

How to request a print version: If you would like a print version of this catalogue, please contact us at: Woodburn Books, ABAA, ILAB P.O. Box 398 Hopewell, NJ 08525 (609) 466-0522

Fall 2017

By Yesterday's Muse, Inc.

Fall 2017 Seasonal miscellany featuring Nicolay & Hay's Lincoln with a signed document by John Hay laid in, a 1701 medical work by Thomas Willis, a strong selection of works by William Osler, military and world history, etc.

How to request a print version: Printable PDF


By Savoy Books

EDUCATION A collection of books, pamphlets, broadsides and manuscripts relating to Education, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries, and American, with a few exception.

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